Bible Articles
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Many take for granted that Christmas is the birthday of our Lord and Savior, but the serious-minded Christian needs to consider what the Bible actually has to say about such a thing. To begin, we simply do not know the exact date of Jesus’ birth, but from what the Bible does tell us, we can get pretty close, and we can know it was not...

birthday jesus christmas
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God wants you to be saved.It is comforting to know that the Almighty God of heaven cares for each of us. Yes, He cares about you. God is not indifferent about your salvation. He wants you to be saved. Listen to the words of scripture:Paul says, that God, "... desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1...

faith baptism become Christian son of God repent baptized salvation belief
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Walking into the auditorium you notice the lack of a real stage and see no elaborate lighting rig or sound system. Perhaps you look around for a piano or organ wall, suspecting the congregation to be more traditional, but find none. You take a seat as the man stands up to extend the welcome and make some announcements. The greeter concludes his introduction and leads...

instrumental music worship singing a capella music
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Do you remember the old American-made saying, "there's a Starbucks on every street corner"? Huge companies seemingly find a way to expand to every road imaginable. Today, it seems corporate giants aren't the only entities that have taken over the map. You need only open your favorite search engine or pick up a copy of your local yellow pages to see a new church just...

christians church of christ church
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Several years back, country singer Garth Brooks topped the charts with his song, “Unanswered Prayers”. Singing of God’s care by NOT answering prayers, he spread an idea bringing a false sense of comfort to millions of struggling listeners. When faith is based upon pop culture rather than truth, grief will inevitably follow (Mat. 7:24-27). God’s word provides spiritual truth concerning prayer.The fact is that God...

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Pure chance produced the marble soup. Then an anomaly produced the marble amoeba which begat the marble fish, which begat the marble snake, which begat the marble bird, which begat the marble mammal, which begat the marble lion which begat the marble sphinx which begat the marble “masterpiece” statue of a man which was dug up in Athens by archeologists this year.The Washington Post carried...

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What is the heart of the matter with regard to religious differences? In the sermon on the mount the Lord spoke of those who really believed they were saved coming before Him in judgment (Matt 7:22-23). In this verse they sincerely thought they were right. But how did they get into that mindset? Is it God’s fault that they were ignorant of what they were...

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Often a curious person may ask themselves this very question when thinking about going to church. Sometimes they may take it a step further and ask their friends or visiting some websites to read up or dip their toes in the water before diving in and attending a service. One of the difficulties for people answering this question is that what someone is told they...

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There is little as charming, well-planned and skillfully made as a sand castle. Children of every age enjoy the hours of shaping sand into the grand palaces which existed in the faraway lands of their minds. Along with this recreation comes a life lesson. A sand castle, for most, immediately calls to mind the thought of that which is temporary. Too many toddlers’ tears have...